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Live Events: Event Recap: Machine Perspective

The Operatives Report

I discovered an encoded message embedded within the bluepill newspaper, The Sentinel. This message stated that Morpheus would be in attendance at Club Messiah in downtown Chelsea on Saturday, May 21st at precisely 8:00 PM. My orders from Agent Gray were clear: Observe and record any interactions with Morpheus and report them back with urgency. What concerned me most was not that Morpheus would be visible in the Matrix, but that his message was clearly directed at an individual or group of individuals. I presented my concerns to Agent Gray, but my testimony was found irrelevant on the lack of factual evidence to justify the expenditure of system resources.

I arrived at the location early to prepare for the meeting that was to take place. Having outfitted the club with numerous audio and video recording devices, I had taken up residence in an unmarked van outside. The equipment used was undetectable to scanning devices as well as the naked eye. My concern, at the time, was the detection of the signal being transmitted.

Over the duration of approximately four hours, numerous operatives had entered the club. A brief collision by two individuals had inadvertently jarred one of my cameras loose and readjusted the direction to that of the floor. Audio on the particular camera, however, was still functional but with a bit of static interference. While attending to the signal degradation on the audio feed, all sound silenced. I analyzed other camera feeds to find them working correctly. I had then taken a closer look to see that Morpheus had arrived which caused the decibel count to drop below detection capabilities. It was exactly 8:00 PM when this occurred.

Morpheus addressed the crowd with fervor, making grand claims of action he planned to take against the Machines if the body of Thomas Anderson was not returned. His words appeared to have quite an impact on his audience, both negative and positive. One operative interrupted Morpheus and asked him why he threatens the Truce. Morpheus’ reply was as follows:

“The Truce is not Peace. We currently live in oppression under the demands of the Machines. Those of us who have taken the Blue Pill live in slavery. This is not freedom. This is not peace. We are not allowed to follow our own free will as this Truce merely strengthens the fact that as long as the Matrix exists, we will never truly be free. The truth lies with Neo. The Machines plead ignorance to the location of his body, however I am certain they keep him, whether dead or alive, in fear of what retribution the truth will bring.”

The general consensus I had ascertained at this point is that Morpheus is continuing to state the same things he had done in the past. That was until another operative made it clear to Morpheus that the humans who chose to remain in the Matrix live in peace. This statement then produced the following response from Morpheus:

“No. They don’t. The bluepills live in ignorance. They were presented with two options: exist in slavery or in what is left of desolate Earth. Neither can be considered 'living' and neither are 'peace'. Let my words fall upon the ears of those who skillfully play the part of the puppeteer. You have until tomorrow to accede to my demands, or the repercussions will tear through the fabric of this falsehood; each ripple thereafter more devastating than the prior.”

Following his last words, Morpheus then left the scene. I gathered all intelligence that was available and submitted it for Agent Gray’s examination. Morpheus made threats in the past, but I never recalled a time he gave an actual date to act them out. Given the number of operatives within the club, basic math suggested that it would best serve to blend in as much as possible with the retreating crowd in order to recover my surveillance equipment.

The Agents Investigation

Transmission: 1xr992.3114.9.05.22

We have received numerous reports of disruption within the encrypted code of the Matrix. Teams of hazardous materials specialists have been dispatched to close off the affected areas. Responses from residents within visual distance of the scene have provided information that a suspicious character had been identified in the area. Further questioning revealed that the characters’ description matches that of Morpheus. With the received report from one of our operatives which provides visual and audio evidence that Morpheus intends to take hostile actions against the Machines, we are issuing an alert to all operatives to locate this individual and notify us at once.

Transmission: 3xr031.6363.3.05.22

Undeniable evidence reported by our operatives points to Morpheus as the individual responsible for the bombings throughout the Matrix. He is now working outside of the Truce and will be apprehended at once. Our operatives have been instructed to not attempt to apprehend Morpheus unassisted as he is considered extremely dangerous and unpredictable. No further evidence points at any accomplices. If any accomplices exist, their actions in supporting these terrorist acts will place them outside of the Truce as well.

Transmission: 2xr913.5531.9.05.22

With a tip-off from an operative, we have engaged Morpheus at the Hypercube Monument with our security forces. The large crowd present refuses to disperse. We are not responsible for any harm done to Zionite forces as they have been given concise instructions to leave the area and to not assist Morpheus. Hostilities are imminent, however the risk is acceptable in order to apprehend or eliminate the one responsible for the recent terrorist bombings.

Transmission: 7xr327.0032.8.05.22

The apprehension of the terrorist, Morpheus, was unsuccessful. We faced unforeseen resistance in our attempt to arrest the primary target. Our security forces proved to be inadequate to complete the task at hand and caused us to lose a large portion of the security assigned to the construct. Advise the expedited advancement of crops to re-supply the loss which was sustained. Operatives have been ordered to continue the search for Morpheus.

Transmission: 0xr993.3874.9.05.25

Unknown forces have been reported to be initiating attack on humans not within our immediate control. These attacks are also occurring against our operatives. The individuals responsible are reported to be concealing their residual self images with the use of a cloth mask. Information leading to their whereabouts has been discovered on their residual self images at the time the emergency jack-out procedure initiates. Operatives are ordered to eliminate this unknown force and return any intelligence found to the Gray, Skinner, or Davis programs.

Transmission: 8xr143.2873.7.05.26

The Skinner program has located the Exile referred to as the Assassin. Operatives have been dispatched to the scene to eliminate this stability threat immediately. Programs Davis and Gray are heading to the location now. The Exile is reported to be working with sentry guardians made up of corrupted code which infects operatives with a detrimental RSI virus program. Threat to programs built into the infrastructure of the system is unknown.

Transmission: 3xr873.0001.2.05.26

The Skinner program has been infected with a viral program, initiating self-deletion codes. The source of this virus has been systematically traced to the Exile known as the Assassin. The Exile’s threat level has been circumvented by the normal escalation procedures and placed at maximum threat. All other tasks are secondary to the elimination of this Exile. Exact details as to the methods used to remove the Skinner program indefinitely have been deemed classified.

Transmission: 0xr001.7798.2.05.27

Individuals possessing the corrupted virus distributed throughout the Matrix have been attacking operatives at will. At the current rate of advancement, the destabilization of the Matrix is inevitable. Operatives have been ordered to continue the elimination of the corrupted individuals on sight. The communicable viral infection first discovered at the location of the Skinner program’s deletion continues to redistribute itself through the corrupted individuals. Crops refusing the programming will soon reach critical thresholds. This threat must be neutralized immediately.

Transmission: 2xr001.8731.8.05.28

The residual self image for the terrorist, Morpheus, has been located at the First Unity Church in Sobra Shores. This anomaly is under investigation. Information regarding the whereabouts of the human behind the residual self image is currently unknown. The resulting effect on the residual self image is unknown. The effect it will have on the stability of the system is unknown. Innumerable unknowns. Operatives were ordered to further investigate the situation and report their findings.

The New Agent

Personal Log: 6ps926p63.8.05.29

I have met a great many of our operatives at a social gathering located at a facility referred to as The Vault in the construct commonly referred to as downtown. I am pleased to have been given the opportunity to work with our human operatives in a cooperative fashion to further advance the binding relationship between our two species.

I submit the concept of “dancing” as a recreational activity greatly enjoyed by humans. I advise that we continue to provide our operatives with this type of recreational activity to allow for relaxation of their mental stimuli, causing them to be more effective when we are in need of their services again. Overall loss in productivity is irrelevant. It is my belief that productivity will be increased over time. Humans have been highly accepting of my programming, to the extent of showing me affection on a physical level.

An accident occurred at The Vault where a thin man, Mr. Ravensloft, suffered a laceration in the preparation room in which he bled quite profusely. Emergency vehicles arrived within minutes to attend to the unfortunate accident.


Transmission: 7xr873.8132.9.05.29

The system has reported large portions of the Matrix to be afflicted by corrupted source code. The continual threat of the corrupted anomalies continues to destabilize the system’s foundations. Operatives have been dispatched to the area to assess the damage and report any and all information that they find. I trust our operatives will do so effectively and impress me. I find it necessary to work alongside our operatives in order to further facilitate the growth between our civilizations. In human history, it has proven beneficial to battle a scenario in attendance with one another.


Transmission: 5xr001.3321.7.05.29

Our operatives have discovered a method to degrade the potency of the corruption within the large anomalies. My thanks go out to them for their keen senses and perseverance in addressing this matter. Given the rate of degradation, it is expected the corrupted threat will be eliminated within the hour.


Transmission: 6xr773.1034.8.05.29

Due to the combined effort of our operatives and the operatives of Zion, we have eliminated the corrupted anomalies. The cascading effect of their removal has unexpectedly resulted in the elimination of the smaller anomalies located in multiple areas of the system. The viral infection has subsided as well. The stability of the Matrix has been restored and I personally thank our operatives for being the valuable assets that they are.


Posted by Live Events Team

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