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News: The Matrix Online Glossary

One of the interesting aspects of developing a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) game based on The Matrix films are the wide variety of terminology that we use inside of the game. To hardcore movie fans, beta testers, and The Matrix Online team these references are common place, and used all the time. However, the use of the jargon can often be a little confusing, so we created this quick glossary to orientate our new players to the real.

We hope to expand this list even further in the weeks ahead.

Matrix Term:(MMO Translation) - Definition

Ability: (Skill) - A skill loaded on to a character that grants that player a specific power in the game.

Attribute: (Abilities) - One of five statistics that affect a character's performance in the game. These are initially determined during the process of character creation, and can be increased during play.

Awakened: (New Player / Newbie) – 1. A phrase used to describe new redpills because of the feeling many of them describe as "waking from a dream" when they exit their machine pods. 2. The initial Discipline granted to all new characters in the game.

Bluepill: (Citizen / Villager / Non Player Character) - A human who is living inside the Matrix unaware of his or her true nature.

Code: (Objects / Elements) - The matrix is just a computer simulation and as such all objects and abilities are just pieces of computer code. The phrase code is used to as a generic term for any object.

Coder: (Crafter, Summoner) - Coders are specialists who spend their time programming new code and inserting it into the Matrix. They typically excel in the creation of new items and abilities, but are also known for producing simulacra, or bodyguard programs.

Compile: (Crafting) - The process of taking code fragments and combining them into usable code.

Consumable: (Potion/Scroll) - A single use item which provides temporary benefits to a player when used.

Controller: (Quest giver) - Controllers are typically people or programs who give out missions to players inside of their organizations. However, not all controllers work for an organization.

Crew: (Small Guild / Team) - A small group of players lead by a captain. The captain is the founder of the crew, and must have earned enough reputation with a faction to be given a hovercraft.

Decompile: (Deconstruct) - The process of taking a useful piece of code and breaking it down into its components.

Discipline: (Class / Skills) – 1. An ability that defines what a character's primary focus is (i.e., Hacker, Gunslinger, Infiltrator). The highest Discipline a character has loaded is viewable to other players in game. 2. The group of abilities immediately below a Discipline ability. Some of these abilities are required before a character can load up a Discipline ability, while many others are optional.

District: (Zone) - A large portion of the city. Districts are made up of many neighborhoods which all have a similar character.

Downgrade: (De-Buff) - A program which decreases the effectiveness or power of the affected target.

Enhanced Item: (Magic Item, Enchanted Item) - An item whose characteristics have be altered by manipulation of the Matrix. A player using an item like this will benefit from an upgrade.

Exile: (Monster/Mob) - A renegade program who is no longer under the control of the Machines.

Exile Hideout: (Dungeon) - A location where many hostile exiles congregate. Brave players can enter these hideouts in order to loot the wealth of information and secrets these exiles may hoard.

Faction: (Guild) - A political organization made up of at least two hovercraft crews.

Gang: (Mobs or Hostiles) - A group of exiles who have banded together for protection.

Hacker: (Mage, Wizard, Caster) - Hackers are redpills who have chosen to focus on the ability to directly alter the Matrix in various ways. Hackers are capable of launching devastating virus on opponents, and patching their friends when they are in need.

Hardline: (Teleporter/Gate) - A phone line that redpills can use to jack into the Matrix and move from one location to another quickly. Hardlines often look like public phone booths.

Information: (Gold, cash, platinum) - Money has no meaning to a redpill. Instead of money, redpills and exiles trade information about the Matrix and its secrets for goods and services.

Inner Strength: (Magic Points, mana) - Inner Strength Points (IS) are a pool of points that measure a characters capability to resist, bend, or otherwise modify the rules of the Matrix.

Jacked-In: (In-game, Logged In) - The state of a player who is in the Matrix. When you log onto the game you are placed in the loading area. Once you select a hardline you can then jack into the Matrix and enter the world.

Launch: (Cast) - The act of using a hacker program.

Memory: (Stat Cap, Level Cap) - Every redpill has a limit to how many subroutines can be loaded into their heads (like Neo and Kung Fu). As the redpills train themselves and gain experience, they can learn to hold more information in their minds. Players are able to load ability codes in and out of their minds in order to change their characters' abilities to suit whatever situation they expect to be in.

Memory Capacity: (See Above) - The total amount of memory available to a player for abilities.

Neighborhood: (Zone) - A small section of the city. A few city blocks which are part of a group. For example the docks in the Downtown district are all part of a neighborhood. Neighborhoods are also related to the gangs which control them.

Operative: (Warrior, thief, archer) - One branch of the discipline tree that focuses on combat and tactics. Redpills that follow this path will eventually have the opportunity to become martial artists, firearms masters, or ingenious spies.

Operators: (Handler) - Operators are members of an organization that will track a player's progress during the mission and relay any new information as it becomes available.

Organization: (Faction, Realm) - A non-player controlled group that recruits redpills to work for it. (i.e., Machines, Zion, Merovingian) Crews are required to declare allegiance to one of these groups when formed.

Patch: (White Magic, Divination) - A beneficial program which fixes an existing problem with its target

Program: (NPC, Spell) - 1. A body of code which interacts with the Matrix in the form of a human or animal. 2. A piece of code which a hacker can use for a variety of effects in the Matrix, like viiral attacks, patches, and upgrades.

Redpill: (Player, Avatar) - A human who has chosen to give up their life in the Matrix in order to live in the real world.

Simulacra: (Pets, Summons) - A player created Program who mimics the behavior of a player. Simulacra take human form and fight for the player until they are destroyed.

Subroutine: (Special Move, Power) - When your player performs a special ability what they are really doing is running a small program also called a subroutine.

Team: (Group) - A temporary group of players who are working together as a single unit.

Upgrade: (Buff) - A program which increases effectiveness or power of the affected player.

Virus: (Direct Damage, Damage over Time) - A malicious program which damages its target(s)

World: (Shard, Server) Each account is allowed to have one player on each world. The worlds are run on separate servers and characters from one world will have no contact with players from another world.

Write Code: (Crafting) - The process of combing code bits into code fragments.

Posted by Vosx

TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s) 2005. THE MATRIX ONLINE, characters, names and all related indicia are trademarks of and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. 2005. THE MATRIX ONLINE is developed by Monolith Productions Inc. MONOLITH and the Monolith logo are trademarks of Monolith Productions Inc. Sega is registered in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office. SEGA and the Sega logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Sega Corporation. Software platform logo TM & © 2005 IEMA. The ratings icon is a registered trademark of the Entertainment Software Association.
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